二代木現象 Second Generation Cypress Trees

檜木森林中不同於一般樹木外型的有趣現象:不少檜木的根部下常常會有一個空洞或樹洞。 檜木小苗常常生長在倒木、樹幹基部或有苔蘚的石頭上,小苗逐漸長大,根部會沿著倒木或石頭兩側生長延伸到地面,一段時間後,小樹苗長成大樹,地面的倒木(一代木)腐爛就形成了一個空洞,此時的生長在一代木上的檜木(二代木)就像是叉開腳站著。而二代木上生長的則稱為三代木,因此形成「三代同堂」的景象。

Cypress seedlings often sprout forth from fallen trees. As they grow, their roots tend to extend down along the sides of the dead wood or stones to the ground beneath. As the fallen trees (first generation cypress) decay, they form holes under the second generation cypress, and later third generation cypress, splay their roots over the holes.

國立宜蘭大學 提供
國立宜蘭大學 提供

木材大不同 The different materials of cypress trees


The material of cypress are comprised by vertical and horizontal cells whose species, proportions and chemical elements differ according to genetic traits and environments. Different kinds of trees grow different materials of cypress; even the same kind of cypress may sometimes differ.

紅檜與臺灣扁柏 Taiwan Red Cypress and Taiwan Yellow Cypress


The Taiwan Yellow Cypress usually grows on ridges on mountains at elevations between 1200 and 2800 meters, while the Taiwan Red Cypress can be found in valleys at elevations between 750 and 2500 meters. Their habitats can overlap at elevations between 1200 and 1500 meters. Taiwan Yellow and Red Cypress resemble each other, but can be distinguished by the shapes of their trunks, leaves and cones.

檜木的繁殖與生長 Cypress Tree Reproduction and Growth

樹輪生成 Tree Rings

想要了解當地的過往氣候是如何變化,其中樹輪具有可以精確定年的特性,在棲蘭山地區有許多珍貴的檜木資源,樹齡長達千年以上,記錄著千年來的自然變遷史。 樹幹的橫切面可見樹皮到髓心之間有一圈圈深淺分明的輪紋。通常,生長在寒溫帶地區的樹木以一年為生長週期,由於季節的變化,在一年中會生成一道淺色和深色輪紋,二者合起來才真正稱為樹木年輪,簡稱「樹輪」。

Trees in temperate zones develop a light and dark ring over the course of their growth cycle each year. Tree rings are affected by the climate, so they can be used to understand changes in climate over the years.

樹輪 (局部) 國立宜蘭大學 提供

環境紀錄器 The environment recorder


蔡宗穎 攝

The growth of tree rings is affected by climate; tree rings record the growth of trees. Therefore, the changes in history and environments can also be learned from studying the growth of tree rings. By studying and analyzing the specimens of tree rings in archaeological sites, one can understand the possible paleoclimate and the environment changes happened on the site. Tree rings are like the black box recorder on an airplane.

Trees in temperate zones develop a light and dark ring over the course of their growth cycle each year. Tree rings are affected by the climate, so they can be used to understand changes in climate over the years.

大自然的空調系統 The air conditioning system of the Nature

19世紀以來工業快速發展,全球森林大面積下降,二氧化碳濃度值從工業化前的約280 ppm增加到2013年的約399 ppm,造成溫室效應原因之一。 森林可調節氣候,永續的森林經營,有助於二氧化碳的吸存潛力。林木碳吸存能力以林木生物量來推估,根據立木生物量調查分析:可分為樹幹部、冠層部兩部分。

As the greenhouse effect grows rapidly in recent years, the forest has become more vital to sequestrate carbon dioxide and relieve global warming. The Carbon sequestration capacity can be estimated from the biomass of standing tree which can be divided into tree trunk and tree crown.
