從二億年前古大陸,歷經冰河期的考驗,輾轉定居臺灣的檜木,到底有著怎樣獨特的身世?在尚未發現它們之前,臺灣檜木與島上的萬物共譜美麗島的面貌;穿梭林間的原住民,也曾與它們共同寫下一則迷霧森林的傳奇。 棲蘭山檜木林是全臺灣僅存的原始巨型扁柏純林,它們穿越千百年的歲月,即使化作一株枯倒木,守護的也不只是自己族群的延續,而是一個森林的穩定存在和一個充滿生機的霧林樂園。
Undergoing the ordeal of ice age, what is the secret of the cypress trees growing in the forest of Taiwan? With the development of forest industry stemming from exploiting cypress trees in Taiwan, how the industry affects the cultural and local development in Yilan? This exhibition will take us to investigate these interrelated questions between cypress trees and Yilan from cultural and natural perspectives.
展覽時間 Exhibition Info
(週三休館Closed on Wednesdays)
展覽地點 Exhibition Location
蘭陽博物館一樓特展室 Lanyang Museum Featured Exhibition Room
No. 750, Sec. 3, Qingyun Rd., Toucheng Township, Yilan County 26144, Taiwan